(from Bill and Madaleen's email)
No ice yet. Looked out but didn't go out. Just rain.
We had a good three days with Alison, Eric, and Catie. Just loafed around the house. Took down the 'little house on the prairie' at the Twin Bridges light show.
Got so warm upstairs that Eric announced that he had turned off the heat. I assumed that he would either close the vent in his room, or lower the thermostat. When it cooled off Monday (too warm before for the fireplace) we shivered all day, kept inching up the thermostat. Tuesday it got cold enough to build a fire again though it is always very very slow starting off again once all the firebricks get cold. Kept inching up the thermostat and finally noticed that nothing was happening. Furnace wasn't working. Checked upstairs, vents weren't closed. Bill checked outside, didn't see anything wrong. Were looking for the repairman's number - another wasp nest in the fan?
No, finally noticed that the switch on the thermostat was in the 'Off' position. Eric had actually 'turned off the heat' just as he said.