Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nanny Mail 11/18/09

Here is the problem with my email. I have always been able to send, but I do not receive on Outlook Express. I have to go to my server and read what comes in there. I spent an hour with a techie this morning and it is still that way. So I got the messages from Brian, Joyce, and Kendall. No trouble, but not in Outlook Express.. So at present, I go to one www address to receive and to Outlook Express to send.

We had a good time in Richland and have decided that Heidi should be in line for an award as the consummate event planner. On Thursday when everybody was working, her parents picked us up and took us to lunch. Millie, Christie and occasionally Claudia and Caitlin came by, just to visit.

Millie liked Josh's CD so Kendall copied it for her. Remind me to pay Josh for his songs.

Everybody got there in time to go to the first performance of My Fair Lady. There was 11 of us sitting as a group. It was an excellent production with fantastic costumes. Kendall was in the chorus and was also a dancer.

Kelda was helping with a Tilth conference in Yakima and was stalled in the pass for a while but Millie was able to go get her. Corbin, Austin, and Kira had flown to Spokane and rented a car so they got there in time also. Corbin is tall tall tall.

We took Kelda back to Yakima early Saturday morning. I don't know how many meals we had together, either at Heidi's or at a restaurant. Saturday was rather quiet. We went to a museum about the development of nuclear reactors and the accompanying development of Richland as a government town with several versions of cookie-cutter houses. Heidi's house had been completly refurbished by the previous owner and sported a nice front porch/veranda, some arches, a fireplace, and some brick work set it apart from all the others on that street.

We went to church on Sunday morning, early for choir practice. So Kendall is the music director and Don Leonard (remember him from West Texas) was at the piano. I made the delicate tactful (hah!) suggestion that a grand piano is no place for velvet draperies and artificial flowers--or anything approaching that. Don agreed as people were often complaining that the piano wasn't loud enough but he couldn't raise the lid because of the 'gew-gaws' on it. Anybody want to take bets on whether the lid gets raised or not?

Monday was pretty quiet as the BYU trio had gone back on Sunday morning. We had coffee with Heidi's parents and then we all ate leftovers in the evening. Claudia and Caitlin were there and we had a good time watching her play--and talk. She had no problem calling me Nanny but couldn't figure out what to call Bill. She already had a papa in Kendall and didn't think she needed another one. In Pushto grammar she could have said Papa Papa but that didn't catch on. The doubling of a word when one means more or very is evidently an Asian thing.

We got Melina's email about Henry, and also had a nice phone call from Ellen.

I took a coat but it never did get cold. There was snow on the ground in Denver on the way back but we didn't go outside. We walked our usual one mile plus in the airport getting from one gate to another, but we were prepared for it this time.

We tried a new, earier way to get from the parking lot to I-244 when we got to Tulsa. It was dark and the little blue signs saying 244 were difficult to find and hard to read. We asked directions three times. The last time it turned out that the entrance went right by the gas station where we were. Exit and turn right immediately. We managed to do that.

When we got home, Tigger was at the back door ready to come in. Keith said he had camped there all week. Rex didn't turn up until this morning. I guess everything is back to normal.

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