Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nanny Mail 1/9/10 -2

We didn't think we would ever see 2 degrees below zero. The cats don't spend much time outside. Rex still like to go out and sit in the snow watching the birds but he doesn't stay long.

We are doing fine and the hot water pipe to the washing machine hasn't frozen again. We turned up the thermostat to get a little more heat in the back of the house and that seemed to do the trick. Read in the paper of a man who bored a hole; at first we thought it was in the floor but a more careful reading explained that he went into the crawl space and bored a hole in a heating duct. That worked.

Kendall, we went to a funeral yesterday for a Kelley Crownover. There are Crownovers in a lot of places so I never wondered if they were all related but in the obit they mentioned that he was born in Calumet, Okla. which rang a bell. Sure enough he is an uncle to Ruby (whose sister married our uncle) and Matt's children in Richland.

Went to the doctor about a week ago because I couldn't renew my Fosomax prescription without gooing in to see the doctor. I mentioned that I had acid reflux and he said it had been discovered that this is often caused by a strange bacteria in the stomach. So now I have capsules, eight for every day for two weeks. I grumbled about going from one bone strengthening pill once a week to eight capsules every day, 4 am and 4 pm. He said that just made up for all the years I hadn't taken anything so it was just one or two a year. Alison, I will let you know how this turns out. One of the capsules is Prevacid, two are Amoxicillin, and the other is something called Biaxin. What in the world is that?

Brian we have stretched the peanut brittle about as far as it will go and really enjoyed it. Good stuff..

We haven't had church since Dec. 20 when Alison and the twins were here, but we have made it to the library and Walmart when necessary.

We hope to thaw out soon.

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